Handwerk Mobil – Exchange for securing the supply of skilled labour
The demographic change in some countries is bringing about a massive lack of skilled workers in the field of handicrafts. In other countries, there is a noticeable high youth unemployment rate. The trend towards the internationalisation of the markets brings about many new opportunities for European solutions.
“Handwerk Mobil” was implemented in close cooperation with the Berlin Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts. The project provided a platform for an international exchange of experience. 26 professionals in vocational education and training were given an in-depth insight into the vocational training system in Austria and Spain. They made contacts and discussed with their colleagues in Vienna and Barcelona current developments of the labour market, new competence requirements, sustainable approaches for teaching and learning. They learned from each other and worked together on solutions to make craft professions more attractive.
One focus of the discussion was the work with young people with special needs. The provision of tailor-made support services in training is intended to help these young people to strengthen their knowledge and skills and thus improve their employment opportunities.
The exchange was profitable for all parties involved. It is a component for increasing the attractiveness of skilled trades in order to attract new skilled workers and counteract youth unemployment.
- „Handwerk Mobil“ on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
- Link
Impressions of the experience exchanges in Barcelona and Vienna
- BBH articles about the experience exchanges
- Experience exchange in Barcelona Experience exchange in Vienna
- BBH article July/August 2016
- Experience exchange in Vienna
Article about BGZ mobility projects since 2001
- Weiterbildung für Bildungsexperten
- BBH article, March 2017
Implemented in:
Austria, Spain
Berlin partners:
Berlin Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts
Transnational partners:
Economic chamber Vienna,
Business school FEDA (Barcelona)
Sebastian Mayr
European Commission – Erasmus+