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CoConstruct – Digital learning meets sustainability

Digitisation has an undeniable impact on the requirements of vocational training in Europe. CoConstruct showcases several approaches on how to successfully introduce digitisation and innovative technologies into vocational training, using the construction sector as a case study.

With CoConstruct, the BGZ teams vocational training centres with universities from five countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Finland Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland.

As our focus is innovation transfer, we collate good practices in promoting job-related digital competences, then examine their viability for EU-wide use and explore ways for their institutional implementation. In this, we also closely collaborate with associated partners from trade associations, chambers, public authorities and construction companies.

Our goal is to disseminate proven content, methods, materials and tools as well as to stimulate closer cooperation between vocational and higher education and to enhance teaching competencies. Through the transfer of European good practice, we want to improve training opportunities in the construction sector and increase the appeal of this occupational field for young technophiles.

In addition, we anticipate that CoConstruct will provide concrete recommendations for the modernisation of vocational training systems and contribute to securing the supply of skilled labour.

 “CoConstruct supports EU-wide cooperation between vocational training and universities. The exchange of good practice on digitization and the application of new technologies in the construction sector also strengthens competencies for sustainable construction. The project in PUT contributes to updating vocational training.”

DSc. PhD. Eng. Katarzyna Rzeszut, Head of Institute of Building Engineering,
Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Poznan University of Technology
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Implemented in:

Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Poland, Rumania



Partners in Germany:

BFW der Bauindustrie Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.

Transnational partners:

in Bulgaria: Professional High School PGSAG Angel Popov
in Finland: VET centre JEDU
in Poland: Poznan University of Technology, VET centre ZSB1 Poznan
in Rumania: Mancom Centru

Project website: Erasmus+ Project Results Platform


Grazyna Wittgen
Tel: +49 (030) 809 94 114


European Commission – Erasmus+
