Health Exchange – The Future of Health Professions in Europe
“Health Exchange” was a mobility project for persons responsible for vocational education and training in health care from Berlin. The objective was to get to know systems of vocational education in Austria and the Netherlands, and in particular, the introduction of the bachelor degree programmes, which had already taken place there, but not yet in Berlin. The focus was on one-week experts’ experience exchange in Amsterdam and Vienna.
The participants were experts in vocational education from the following fields: clinic, nursing, physical therapy and health advice; educators with management responsibility and governmental supervision over schools, exams and professional law. With Austrian and Dutch educational managers, they discussed current issues such as the academization of health professions, trends in vocational education, comparison of the health professions, the EQF in the health sector, European collaboration, contents of education and training, quality standards and examination structures.
Visits to schools, hospitals, clinics and academic institutions have enriched the professional exchange. The project programme was coordinated and implemented by the BGZ, in collaboration with its long-standing partner organisations. “Health Exchange” created an opportunity for Berlin experts to utilise the good practices of other countries, in order to advance necessary innovations according to the “Master Plan Health”. Further projects, such as the exchange of apprentices in nursing, teacher exchanges and the development of curricula, have been agreed.
“We would welcome it if mobility projects like these, offered by the various institutions in Berlin and Vienna for teachers and apprentices, were to develop into permanent exchange processes.”
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Implemented in:
Austria and Netherlands
2007 – 2008
Berlin partners:
Senate Department for Health, Welfare and Consumer Protection, Vivantes, Charité University Hospital, Wannseeschule e.V., State Department of Health and Welfare and other hospitals and medical schools
Transnational partners:
ROC van Amsterdam (NL), School for general health and medical care at the Hietzing hospital in Vienna (AT).
Grazyna Wittgen
Tel. +49(30)809941-14
European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility