EU in Motion – Qualifying for better healthcare by using the EQF

The aim of EU IN MOTION was to create more transparency and comparability of occupational competences. A study was conducted to analyse how the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) can be used for selected health professions. The result was a competence matrix of health professions. The matrix is a basis to compare the qualifications among the partner countries and promote mutual recognition of vocational qualification. Furthermore, the structure of the competence matrix is transferable to other professions and countries.

The BGZ took overall control of the national and international project management. With the project, BGZ and its partners contributed to the master plan “Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg”, to ensure the quality of professionals in the health sector.

The results of EU IN MOTION are concrete suggestions for policy makers, educational institutions and professional associations of the EU countries to implement the EQF at national and European level. These recommendations for EU-stakeholders for the development and testing of the EQF in selected health professions are related to competence transparency, permeability of vocational and academic education and the development of a harmonised system of initial and continuing vocational education and training. The overall project results are documented on a CD, in German and English.

 “If (only) formal education qualifications are included in the German Qualification Frame­work (DQR), then vocational experience and personal competence will come off badly. Bearing this in mind, an ‘individual certi­fication’ should be introduced, as is already the case in the Netherlands. However, the procedure involved in compiling individual overall competence profiles appears to be very complex. It is our task to find a way of striking a balance.”

Prof. Dr. Jutta Räbiger, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
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Implemented in:

Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Slovenia, Great Britain



Berlin partners:

Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Berlin Senate Department of Health, Environment and Consumer Protection, VET institute for health professions at Vivantes Health Network

Transnational partners:

ROC van Amsterdam (NL), Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), Office of the Styrian Provincial Government (AT), Srednja Zdravstvena Šola Celje (SL)

Project website:


Grazyna Wittgen
Tel.: +49(30) 80 99 41-14


European Commission, DG Education and Culture

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
