Fostering innovation transfer through mobility
for Berliners working in skilled trades

The Berlin trade is confronted with two problems: the threat of a lack of qualified personnel, and the mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

“Going Europe”, dedicated to these topics, aimed to promote the cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises and to strengthen European cooperation in vocational training. People responsible for skilled trade vocational training (from the guilds of opticians, dental technicians, orthopedic technicians and orthopedic shoe technicians, bakers, confectioners and construction) met for one-week transnational experience exchanges, during which educational issues were discussed. There were a total of four exchanges with 15 participants at each (two in Amsterdam, one in Warsaw and one in Istanbul). Themes included the implementation of the EQF, intercultural opening of vocational training, lifelong learning, know-how transfer to vocational training systems and practices, among others.

Trade specific problems also played a role. Berlin bakers learned about what makes their profession attractive in Poland. Trainers from the health professions dealt with the academisation of their professions in the Netherlands. Trainers from construction professions exchanged information with their Turkish colleagues about integrating environmental issues into training. Members of Berlin committees for examination ofthe master craftsman’s diploma have been working with the implementation of auditing standards in Poland. The BGZ took over the thematic and financial responsibility, in addition to coordinating the overall project.

All participants received the “Euro-pass mobility “ and a certificate of participation. The HWK Berlin and its guilds offer good practice material, including suggestions for measures beyond the duration of the project.

“I was very impressed by the hospitality, even though I myself am of Turkish origin. We were able to gain an insight into daily work procedures in the businesses, and could gather practical and theoretic experience in the training system as well as in the set-up of the Chambers and guilds. A lot of ground work still has to be done to achieve German standards, especially as far as the environment and safety at work is concerned. It was a great week with a pleasant group.”

Hamza Öztürk, Proprietor of a driving school in Berlin
„Going Europe“ on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
Weiterbildung für Bildungsexperten
BBH articel in March 2017


"Going Europe" was chosen by the National Agency "Education for Europe" at BIBB as a Good-Practice-Project within VETPROS

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Implemented in:

Poland, Turkey and the Netherlands


2008 – 2010

Berlin partners:

Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts, Guilds of the Berlin trade (opticians, dental technicians, orthopaedy mechanics and orthopaedic shoe mechanics, bakers, confectioners)

Transnational partners:

ZRP Warsaw, Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts Istanbul, ROC van Amsterdam


Grazyna Wittgen
Tel. +49(30)809941-14


European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci – Mobility

Going Europe