Berufe Global
Working sustainably in a globalised world
Berlin’s economy needs experts, who understand what sustainable economy is about and who are able to put it into practice, thus providing momentum for strengthening the international competitiveness of the capital. This involves the ability and willingness to deal with the impact of their own professional actions on the environment and on the living and working conditions of others. The global learning concept provides a solution strategy for this.
Global learning embodies an educational concept, which is related to the occupational fields and shows sustainability in its economic, political and social dimension. It regards global topics as a cross-cutting task and as an integral part of initial education and advanced training. Why? Because to work sustainable in a globalized world requires skills for sustainable actions.
In the framework of this project, the innovative methodology of Global Learning in vocational education and training was transferred to further sectors. The project aimed at strengthening the institutional anchoring of the approach in VET processes and systems. The project was implemented in selected occupational fields. Firstly, a transfer took place for the two occupational fields “Wood” and “Gastronomy” in four European countries.
Global Learning in vocational education experienced a very successful transfer to the partner countries. In Austria and Poland, the transfer in other professional fields has been promoted, with the support of the Ministries of Education. In Hungary, the concept of Global Learning was integrated into the curriculum. In Belgium, a guideline for the occupational field of retail sales was developed, and in Germany one for the occupation chef. In Berlin the project “Berufe Global” reached about 450 trainees, 10 SME-representatives and 55 teachers and educators, who all benefit from the project results.
“The results and products of the project were very well implemented. The project displayed highly professional project-management and excellent product quality. The documentation of the project meetings is exemplary. The project results are very well suited for effective distribution and sustainable use.”
Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
- Summary and project results
- Link
Project photos
Selected products
- Situation analysis of the current state of Global Learning in vocational education
- Teaching and learning material “Berufe Global”
- Gastronomy Baking Construction Mobile Calling
- Free E-Learning offers for vocational education institutions and trainees
- Website EPIZ E-Learning Center
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Implemented in:
Germany, Belgium, Austria, Hungary and Poland
2009 – 2011
Berlin partners:
EPIZ e.V., Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts, Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues, Senate department for education, science and research
Transnational partners:
ZAWM St. Vith (BE), BAOBAB Vienna (AT), Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts Olsztyn (PL), Pollack Mihaly Technical School Pecs (HU)
Grazyna Wittgen
Tel. +49 (30) 809941-14
European Commission – LLP- Leonardo da Vinci- Transfer of innovation