Awareness for Fairness
Joint Action of Public Administration and NGOs for the advancement of Global Education in Europe
There are many initiatives and activities for Global Learning in Europe, but actors work rather separately. “Awareness for Fairness“ offered opportunities to organise Global Learning more sustainably and to show, how closely connected and important Education, Global Learning and Development Policy are for our world.
As an international cooperation project for Global Learning, “Awareness for Fairness” has taken up topics related to sustainability such as the consequences of globalisation, living and working conditions worldwide, human rights and Fairtrade. These were integrated into the project in curricula, school culture and everyday learning in a sustainable way. On the one hand, the quality of Global Learning offerings (learning materials, teacher skills, methodological approaches) in schools was improved. On the other hand, the project promoted pupils’ awareness of development policy issues and motivated young people to become active in the sense of sustainable development. In the context of lessons (project days, workshops) as well as extracurricular activities (competitions, city festivals) and neighbourhood actions, Global Learning activities were carried out together with them.
A special feature of the project was the close cooperation between NGOs and local administration and the strong cooperation between the Berlin NGOs. The project was coordinated by BGZ. BGZ was responsible for project management, transnational networking and evaluation as well as working with actors in the neighbourhood and school partnerships with Africa. The project team also contributed to the revision of the Berlin development policy guidelines. The project has received several international awards.
Awareness for Fairness’ demonstrates most impressively what viable long-term education can look like. The jury’s vote praised the project highly as it communicates comprehensively how people can act in a sustainable manner.
Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan, Chairperson of the nationalcommittee and jury for the UN Decade in Germany
The concept of a “fair school”, material collections (tool-boxes), brochures and online courses are all available for use. There are series of continuing vocational education about methods of Global Learning, school partnerships or work in the city neighbourhoods for teachers and NGO actors. We offer events about Global Learning in and outside schools – one of the highlights was the participation at the Berlin’s development policy education programme Benbi.
Project photos
- Documentation of the international workshop "Awareness for Fairness – Global Education in South-North Dialogue", October 20-21, 2011, Berlin
- English German Spanish
- Project flyer
- German
Selected products/material
12 instructions for Global Learning actions:
Planning and Evaluating Global Learning Resources / Teacher training / The Fairtrade School Award / The Fairtrade Town Initiative / Fairtrade Churches / The Global Education and Information Days / Community Global Learning / Biofair Breakfast / Fair Snackbox / South-North School Partnerships / Sock Puppet Stories / Cooperation with Partners from the Global South
Teaching materials for the use in secondary schools (DE):
Toolbox Fair Trade and Human Rights / Crude oil – a controversial energy supply / megacities – sustainable city development and alternative living in the city
Teaching materials for the use in vocational schools (DE):
Toolbox Fair Trade and Working Standards / Nice holidays (for agents in the tourism sector)
Guideline (DE) Fair School
Selected products
Information, teaching, learning and illustrative material on Global Learning
- conclusions and recommendations for actions on Global Learning
- Community Global Learning Teacher training Cooperation with Partners from the Global South Fair Snackbox Fairtrade Churches
- The Fairtrade School Award Biofair Breakfast The Fairtrade Town Initiative The Global Education and Information Days South-North School Partnerships Global Learning Resources Sock Puppet Stories
- Crude oil - a controversial energy supply (a study guide on Global Learning for secondary education I and II)
- Nice holidays for agents in the tourism sector
- Method proposal: megacities, sustainable city development and alternative living in the city
- Global Learning in secondary education with the examples fair trade and human rights
- Global Learning in vocational education with the examples fair Trade and working standards
- Award winner at the “World Aware Education Awards 2010”, awarded by the Council of Europe South-North Centre.
- Certificate Press Release Website WAEA
- Awarded Model Project at the Education Market Congress “WorldWideKnowledge 2011 – Exceed limits” in Saarbrücken, Germany
- Certificate Website Documentation
- Awarded by the German UNESCO Commission as official UN Decade project “Education for sustainable development”, 2012/2013
- Certificate Website
- Chosen as Workshop N-Project 2012, an award from the Council for Sustainable Development.
- Website
Implemented in:
Berlin (DE), Prague (CZ), Leeds (UK), Linz (AT)
2010 – 2013
Berlin partners:
State Office for Development Cooperation, EPIZ, KATE, GSE
Transnational partners:
World House of the Linz Diocese (AT), Ecumenical Academy Prague (CZ), Leeds Development Education Centre (UK)
Project website:
Dr. Ines Klemm
Tel. +49 (30) 809941-15
European Commission / EuropeAid
The project “Awareness for Fairness” is funded through the thematic programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development” / by EuropeAid. This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.